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What do colors have to do with the word of God?
We see that choices of color as important in biblical accounts.
YHVH desired a theme of scarlet, blue, purple and gold in his temple (Exodus 26:36, 26:31, 28:33).
The Kind of Judah, we a told, "will wash his garments in the wine, his robes in the blood of grapes" (Genesis 49:10-12).
The great serpent and one of the beasts of Revelation is described as being red. The woman on the beast is described as being dressed in purple, scarlet and gold (Revelation 12:3, 12:7-9, Revelation 17:3-4).
I do not believe that this has simply to do with "the color of blood": blood tends to mellow out brown after it gets old.
Is brown still "reddish"? Yes. But I wanted was some sort of "word" for it. After all, wine and grape juice was - and still is used - as a "means of delivery" for Jesus' blood for the Christian Communion.
And then there are other colors that are not so easily explained.
Blue for instance. What is that? Sky? Water? Both of water and horizon change colors often... and YHWH does not seem all that into things that are change often in quality. And God is about faith (1 Corinthians 1:9).
"But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8. he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does." (James 1:6-8)
I knew that people assign attribute and qualities to colors... Purple is pride. Pink is desirable for many girls (though not historically). Black is either reserved, honorary or associated with gloom.
Many different kinds of meanings.
I knew that if God was going to use colors in spiritual language, the Bible would have to answer for itself what those colors meant.
And so, the journey begins...
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